How do I want to be known? What legacy will I leave? If they dedicated a t-shirt to me what would they put on the back? Jew for Life? Friend for Life? Blogger for Life?
The way I will decide to live my life is the way that I will be remembered. There is a Mishna in Pirkei Avos that says the best "Crown" is a good reputation.
I have often found myself rushing through MY day, super focused on MY schedule and bugging out for MY exams and MY papers. There are so many days that I forget that I am part of a bigger scheme. I forget that everything is determined by 'ה. If I can maintain cognizance that everything outside of my free will is out of my control then I can focus on using my free will to develop my spiritual legacy.
I want a t-shirt that says, "Doron Greenspan Fulfilled His Potential in Life"
May we all be זוכה to a כתר שם טוב and reaching our potential...
I was wondering - in the above picture, which one is Doron? Back of letter "O" in grey sweatshirt or front of letter "J" with snazzy Fox sweatshirt on? Note that both options have mysteriously forgotten their black hats on the bus. Hmmm