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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Famous Yahrzeits this week

Yahrzeits licensed to by Manny Saltiel &

SUNDAY: The Rosh, Rav Yehuda Leib Bloch of Telz, and Rav Shimon Shkop of Grodno

MONDAY: The Tchebiner Rav

TUESDAY: The Chernobyl Rebbe, the Chessed L’Avraham of Slonim, and Rav Yehuda
Leib Chasman of the Chevron Yeshiva

THURSDAY: Rav Yehuda Hachassid

NEXT SHABBOS: The Chazon Ish

This is just a small snippet of yahrzeits that are part of a bigger email. Thank you to Jared Okun for informing me of the email list. If anyone is interested in receiving the unabridged email, comment below or email Mr. Manny Saltiel-- to be put on the list.


  1. i think meor eyniyim is on monday as well...
    not sure thought

  2. Also I think that it's Rachel Imeinu's yartzheit on Monday (i.e. today)
